What are Pinterest Idea Pins?
pinterest Mara Meismer pinterest Mara Meismer

What are Pinterest Idea Pins?

If you have spent much time marketing your business on Pinterest, you may have asked yourself “What are Pinterest Idea Pins?”. I thought it was about time I tell you all about them. As a Pinterest marketing expert and Pinterest manager for photographers, I spend a lot of my time working with Pinterest. Let’s break down what a Pinterest Idea Pin is, Idea Pins vs Pins, and how to figure out Pinterest Idea Pins best practices (or at least what the best practices may be for you).

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12 Business Journaling Prompts
misc. Mara Meismer misc. Mara Meismer

12 Business Journaling Prompts

A few months ago, I took this business coaching program and learned LOADS of things. It focused a lot on mindset as a business owner, and I know that all my business owners out there (photographer business or not!!) could benefit from some of that magic like I did. Something that we spent a lot of time pouring into that I had never thought to do before was business journaling.

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3 Digital Marketing Services for Photographers
Mara Meismer Mara Meismer

3 Digital Marketing Services for Photographers

There will never be a perfect time to invest in digital marketing service. Don’t wait to get yourself those results. You can spend all of your time trying to DIY it but trust me, it will never get you the same results that you can get when you hire an expert.

Especially as a photography business, these are the digital marketing services that will bring you the most new inquiries, convert the most impressions, increase your brand awareness and make you look like a credible authority in your photography niche.

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8 Common Mistakes in Photographer Business
misc. Mara Meismer misc. Mara Meismer

8 Common Mistakes in Photographer Business

Are you making these mistakes in your photography business? Do you have a photography website? Do you use a photographer CRM software like HoneyBook? Photographers marketing their business often make these 8 mistakes—including not blogging or utilizing Pinterest. Mara is spilling all the photographer tips for running a sustainable photographer business.

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A Guide to Blogging for Photographers
blogging Mara Meismer blogging Mara Meismer

A Guide to Blogging for Photographers

I am going to spill all of my best tips on blogging for photographers and how to get the most out of your blog posts. Blog marketing is an excellent avenue to market your photography business. The best way to blog for photographers is definitely dependent on your business, your goals and strategies, and what works for you. BUT, here are my general tips for making the most of your posts.

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Don’t Skip These 3 Things on Your Pinterest Business Account
pinterest Mara Meismer pinterest Mara Meismer

Don’t Skip These 3 Things on Your Pinterest Business Account

You may have wildly different results with your Pinterest business account based on your strategy and it all starts with your profile. The list could go on and on about all the ways that you can optimize your Pinterest account. These 3 are the ones you might not have thought of and absolutely should not skip over. They weigh a lot on how easily people can find you and can also communicate a LOT to the people behind the screens.

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Your Photography Business Needs a Pinterest/Blog Manager
Mara Meismer Mara Meismer

Your Photography Business Needs a Pinterest/Blog Manager

How can you do it all and scale your business, when you have all of these other things to consider? Outsourcing some things are going to be a game changer for you. You don’t have to be alone in your business. You don’t have to do it all.

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7 Blog Post Ideas for Freelance Designers
blog post ideas Mara Meismer blog post ideas Mara Meismer

7 Blog Post Ideas for Freelance Designers

Especially as a freelancer, you have quite a lot on your plate. You have to manage client communication, your own time, all of the projects you have in progress at one time, your social media, other marketing methods, billing, and all the other aspects of running a business. Whether you are new to blogging or a seasoned pro, here are a few post ideas to keep you going.

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Self Care for Business Owners
Mara Meismer Mara Meismer

Self Care for Business Owners

Self Care isn’t all bubble baths and sheet masks, especially for business owners. Self care is hard work. Take care of you, so you can take care of business.

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7 Blog Post Ideas for Small Business Owners
blog post ideas, blogging Mara Meismer blog post ideas, blogging Mara Meismer

7 Blog Post Ideas for Small Business Owners

If you are like me, one of the most difficult parts of having a blog is knowing what to write. Lucky for you, I am here for you (and I guess I also benefit because it gives me something to write). My plan is to make this a little blog series where I will create lists for more specific businesses. I haven’t seen a ton of post like this that share what to write about and I find it so valuable!

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A Guide to Tools for Communication
Mara Meismer Mara Meismer

A Guide to Tools for Communication

Communication is one of the most difficult feats in the business world. These days there are SO many different programs and apps and formats that allow teams to communicate. Here is a breakdown of the different programs out there! 

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