6 Reasons Your Business Should Have a Blog

Blogs might seem like they are dead, but they are alive and well my friend and they can add TONS of value to your business. And, if you are thinking “who the HECK has time for that” I have your answer at the end of this post!


Having a blog on your website will make your customers believe that you are a credible source. It shows you have experience, gives evidence of your experience, and can put your future customers or clients at ease.

People are way more likely to buy into a photographer that has photos from past clients on their blog over someone that leaves that area open. A lead is going to be even more comfortable investing in a photographer that has posts about how to keep kids engaged in a family shoot or tips for surviving a wedding day. They will see that you are knowledgeable and more importantly see your worth. Cover your bases, make sure your future clients and customers KNOW that you are credible and dependable, but also a real person. 

A blog can brings people to your business website

Say you are a graphic designer and you post a blog post showing off your latest project and how it came to be. You post about in your instagram stories, or on pinterest (an AWESOME resource but that's a topic for another day). Someone ( perhaps a lead) clicks on it and reads through the post. They thought it was interesting, so they click some more buttons. They explore your website, and they are 80 million times more likely to hire you for their next design project or recommend you to someone else than if they had never seen the post in the first place.


Search engines can be a little bit of a black hole, but using search engine optimization techniques can bring HUGE benefits to your business and make it so much easier for people to find you. 

Having an up to date blog keeps your website updated, which makes potential clients more likely to find you when searching.  For example, I googled “central illinois photographer” and every single one of the websites that popped up on the first page, had an ACTIVE blog as well as a portfolio. Anyone who is looking for a photographer in central Illinois, is going to find THOSE people first, and having a blog is obviously a large factor in that. 

SEO is a lot more than just having a blog and involves a lot of specific knowledge, but we can see that putting in the effort to understand and utilizing it (or hiring someone with knowledge to utilize it for you) can only do good things for your business. 

You can share what you have learned with others

You have put SO much hard work into knowing how to run your business. You have studied how to do what you do, how to improve, how to do new things. You can have a place to put all of your knowledge and your portfolio, and it can work for you. You can share about what you have learned through your business and people will see your personality through that and it will be easy for them to put their trust in you. 

This can also lead to a community within your field, which is so valuable. Owning a business/freelancing can be so lonely. You can write posts for your fellow creatives and support the community over competition idea. 

Depending on where your priorities are, you can use what you have learned and your quote unquote journey to where you are. Or, if you are just starting out, you can share where you are and what is working for you in your business and it brings about a sense of trustability to potential clients or customers because they will believe in you and what makes your business unique. Wherever you are in your quote unquote business journey, having a blog and sharing about you and your business will bring your business a sense of fullness from other people’s perspective.

You can show off your work

This is a part of credibility and creating trust, but you can share the stories behind your work and it makes your work feel more whole. Showing what you can do and why you do it is such an awesome way to show your viewers why your business is important and why they should work with or buy from you.

You can easily develop trust with potential clients

People will be able to get to know you and your business before even talking to you. You become more accessible without having to pour too much more of yourself into your business or expanding your hours. People can see and understand you through what you share on a blog. You can help them navigate issues that people in your target market often struggle with and provide them valuable content. This will help them to understand why your expertise is what they need.

The time issue

If you don’t think you have time for a blog, or don’t think you can write, or whatever it is that is stopping you from already having one, I am here for you. I offer blog services, and for a very fair cost can help bring the benefits of a blog to your business, without you having to put the work into how to make one, how to optimize them, how to format them, or even writing them. 

My services for your blog can be as hands on or hands off as you want me to be. I can just format one or two posts per month and create graphics for Pinterest to advertise them. I could also ghost write, format, pull photos, create graphics, schedule pins, and more for a blog post once a week, or anything in between or on either side of those examples. Check out my services page to see my general price range, and contact me for an estimate for a custom package based on YOUR business and YOUR needs. 


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