Self Care for Business Owners

Self Care for Business Owners

Self Care isn’t all bubble baths and sheet masks, especially for business owners. 

Self care is hard work. Sometimes it is complicated and messy. Sometimes it is making difficult decisions and is not always applauded. It is so easy to get swept up in the “hustle” and neglect ourselves, it is even encouraged most of the time. That life is not sustainable. You will not be able to keep up with it no matter how hard you try. We weren’t made to be constantly productive.

So, how can we avoid burnout and overwhelm?

Avoiding overwhelm

Take a Break

Don’t work through lunch or too late into the night if you can help it. You deserve to have a life too. Your support system deserves a version of you that takes time for yourself.

Taking time away from your work will allow you to show up as your best self.

And don’t spend that time scrolling social media either, that is not a break. Go outside. Practice a hobby (one that you haven’t monetized), watch an episode of your favorite TV show (without multitasking), take a walk. Do whatever it is that refreshes you. You need it.

Hire Help

If you can’t help but work through lunch to get everything done, it is time to think about your priorities. If you are wanting to grow your business, it is time to outsource. Hire a virtual assistant or an employee. You will need to in order to take on more clients, create that new course, start new projects, or whatever it is you do. 

If you aren’t ready for that kind of growth, take a step back. Take on fewer clients, put a project on the back burner. You can’t continue in your business if you burn yourself out or are overwhelmed with doing it all. 

Have a plan for each day

I need lists. My mind used to be a steel trap, now it's more like steel wool. If I don’t write down what I need to do I will ✨simply✨ forget. I use Asana to organize tasks for my business (along with multiple other programs for my clients).

I also like to write a to-do list for each day. I use a dry erase marker on a piece of glass and write out my most important tasks. I love the rush of crossing something off. For me, having a clear plan helps me to face it rather than avoiding everything because it is all overwhelming.

Automate something

For some businesses, automating can be an awesome way to take things off of the owner’s plate, or at least make the task easier. Batching content and scheduling posts using schedulers like Planoly, Tailwind, Later, or Facebook Business Suite can make social media marketing less overwhelming.

Zapier is a program that allows you to set up triggers for automations. You can connect loads of different accounts like Google Docs, Gmail, Mailchimp, Trello, Calendly, Typeform, the list goes on and on (There are seriously more than 3,000 programs that you can connect). That means that you can set it up so that when someone fills out a form in Typeform or Google Forms, a follow-up email could automatically be sent to them. Or when someone sets up a meeting with you in Calendly, you can connect your Google Calendar or project management system and it will automatically create an event for you. The possibilities of what you can do are endless.

I know that all sounds a little overwhelming in and of itself, but automating things here and there will make your life so much easier.

Preventing Business Owner Burnout

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries in everything. Don’t answer emails or DM’s outside of your designated working time. Don’t work through lunch. Don’t take on projects when your plate is full.

Set boundaries and respect them.

I get it, I am the biggest people pleaser on the face of the planet. All that I truly want for my clients is to make their lives easier. And I will. Within my designated working hours. We all deserve to live our lives outside of our work. 

Work some fun into each day

How can you have fun each day? What can you do to optimize enjoyability? I like to have dance parties by myself in my home office. It gets me moving and gets that serotonin flowing which is a need some days.

Maybe for you, it is stopping for an iced coffee or maybe it’s chatting with a friend. Maybe it's listening to Taylor Swift’s re-recorded albums or early 2000’s throwbacks. Maybe it’s getting some work done outside or buying yourself flowers. Maybe it’s taking a few minutes to play a video game or something silly like decorating your desk with sticky note smiley faces.

Each day you can do something little to prioritize having fun.

Move on when it’s time

Sometimes, it is time to move on from things even if you love them. If you can’t keep up with all of the things you have going on, it might be time to eliminate something. You aren’t weak for moving on or “giving up”. You are strong for knowing what you need and acting in line with that. You are strong for respecting yourself enough to make the changes that are necessary for your well-being.

Mental Health in Business

I struggle a lot with my mental health. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression and am actively seeing a therapist. I don’t bring that up lightly. I say that because I think it is so important for mental health matters to be a part of the business world. Mental health is a business matter. Every single person has mental health needs and business matters should not take such a toll on our collective mental health. 

You don’t need to have a mental illness to see a therapist. Therapy is a valid option as a form of self care for any person. Going to therapy can help anyone going through a stressful time and give you the tools you need to thrive. If you have the resources, I would recommend trying therapy to anyone.

Give Yourself Grace

We can be our own worst enemies all too often. If your brain spends too much time making you feel bad for your mistakes, this is your sign to kill that part of your brain with kindness. Remind yourself as often as you can that you are doing your best.  

You deserve grace, kindness, and forgiveness just as much as everyone else does.

Outsourcing is Self Care

One way to take care of yourself in your business is by outsourcing tasks that you don’t enjoy. Outsourcing can be a form of self care. If you are looking to outsource, take a look at my services list and get in touch! If you are ready to get started working with me, fill out this form and I will shoot you an email!

Take care of you, so you can take care of business.


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