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7 Blog Post Ideas for Small Business Owners

Blogging for Small Business Owners

There are tons of reasons why keeping up with a blog for your business can be beneficial for any business owner. It makes you look more credible, it keeps your website updated, it brings more people to your website, it gives you content to repurpose, and the list goes on and one. 

If you are like me, one of the most difficult parts is knowing what to write. Lucky for you, I am here for you (and I guess I also benefit because it gives me something to write). My plan is to make this a little blog series where I will create lists for more specific businesses. I haven’t seen a ton of post like this that share what to write about and I find it so valuable! 

Before we get to those blog post ideas…

If you want to up your SEO game and become more confident in writing blog posts that rank in Google, check out my blogging guide! Grab the blog and Pinterest bundle to market your business for the long term and ditch the constant social media marketing frustration. Learn more about the guides below.

See this content in the original post

Ideas for Small Business Blog Posts

#1 - Introduce yourself

Tell your readers about YOU! Everyone feels a little bit more confident purchasing from someone that they feel like they know. One of the most special things about small businesses is that it is personal. Having a blog post on your page all about you makes your presence so much more personal! Share some photos of you, your family, your dog, and anything else that visualizes you. Talk about your hobbies, your passions, your struggles, and anything else that makes you feel like you!

#2 - Write about what you sell

A blog post is a perfectly good place to self-promote. You can show your audience about your knowledge of your products/services and why they should buy from you. Get the word out about what you do! Any way that you can spread the word will be helpful to you in the long run. You can get more than one post out of this idea, you can highlight specific products or services that you offer and talk in-depth about them!

#3 - How your ideal customer uses what you sell

You can speak directly to your ideal buyers and show them why they need what you bring to the table. Tell them how it will add value to their life, why it is worth the cost. Sometimes it is difficult to fully explain the value of your offer within your product descriptions or on your website, and this way you can get more eyes on what you sell. Use keywords that your ideal customer would type into the search bar and you might find yourself with some new customers! 

#4 - How to’s

You are an expert at what you do. You are. Walk your customers/clients through a common issue, a complicated task, or something specific to your field that most people don’t know how to do. It may seem super simple to you, but it could be SO helpful for someone else. This type of post is great to advertise (especially on Pinterest) and will bring loads of people in your field to your website and social media. Make sure you use keywords in your post so that people searching how to do this will be able to find you easily!

#5 - Explain why you started your business

Everyone has a why. Tell your readers about your why. Sharing your story will build your credibility and the trust that will keep people following along with your journey. Make people invested in your story! People are nosy. Tell your audience about what drives you and they will be INVESTED. This is an awesome way to show who you genuinely are, and shows them why you are asking them to support you.

#6 - Tell a story about something that has happened since starting your business and what you learned from it

Running a business teaches us a LOT. Sharing about your ins and outs makes you relatable! Focusing on what you learned from a crazy situation keeps things positive. Your ideal customers will love hearing about how you handle things and your insight, and it shows them a peek into your values. Having values implemented in your brand keeps your messaging clear. So share away!

#7 - FAQs

Your blog is an awesome place to answer frequently asked questions. People will be more likely to buy from you if the answer to their questions is easily found on your website AND bonus!! You can refer people to the post if they have questions and then BAM! They are exploring your website!

Another Option for Blogs

If you can see the value in having a blog but can’t imagine slicing off a chunk of your time to get it done, you have options! You can hire a ghost blogger, blog manager, or virtual assistant to keep up with a blog for you! It is kind of magic to have blog posts appear in your drafts or be posted when all you had to do was share a few notes or answer a few questions! You can find my starting prices here and you can follow this link to answer some questions to get started working with me!